Sunday, 15 July 2012

~Seindah syurga~

Di dalam hati manusia itu terdapat sebuah taman...
dimana taman itu dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan...
Bunga mekar mengembang dan tumbuhan hijau mempesonakan..
ikan bermain di sungai yg mengalir seputih jernihnya..
binatang bebas berkeliaran dan burung berkicauan..
bintang bergemerlapan disinari cahaya rembulan..

Namun, semakin hari suasana taman itu kian hambar..
bunga dan tumbuhan layu dan luruh..
sungai bagaikan dahaga kekeringan dan ikan kian rungsing..
binatang kelihatan lemah dan tidak bermaya..
burung tiada lagi berkicauan riang kedengaran..
bintang dan bulan bagaikan hilang cahaya serinya..

Maka, awan gelap pun menyelubungilah taman..
bertapa ia kelihatan sedang berduka lara..
ribut kencang menerbangkan segala pokok dan bunga yg layu..
menyebabkan sungai berk0cak keganasan..
ikan cemas di dalam air yg deras..
binatang dan burung berteduh menunggu redanya ribut..
bintang dan bulan hilang entah ke mana..
terlalu sedih dilihat dan suram..

Setelah itu... hujan kian reda dan ribut sudah tidak menggila..
namun, di atas tanah terdapat anak2 benih pokok tumbuh menghijau..
sang mentari menyinari menghasilkan gahnya pelangi..
sungai kian tenang dan mengalir seriang hatinya..
binatang keluar dgn gembiranya dan burung terbang dgn seronoknya..
bintang dan rembulan kian bercahaya seindahnya...

begitula manusia... pabila kita bahagia terlalu lama..
bunga keimanan kan gugur layu..

akhlak dan syariat kian dilupakan..
manusia kian melampaui batas..

kerana itu ALLAH menghantar UJIAN kepada manusia..
KERANA Allah SYG pd hambaNya dan TIDAK MAHU hambaNya JAUH drNYa..

Allah berfirman, manusia itu kehilangan sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada seisi dunia..
malah lebih baik daripada nikmat didunia... manusia KEHILANGAN SEJUTA KEIMANAN... yg dimana TUMBUH semasa ujian mendatang..

Manusia terlalu ego dan berduka untk melihat HIKMAH yang Allah berikan kepada kita..
buktinya pabila ujian hadir, kita TIDAK PERNAH BERSYUKUR sebaliknya hanya MERUNGUT..

Wahai manusia...
berhentilah kamu merungut akan hadirnya ujian..

tetapi lihatlah hikmah yg Allah berikan..
tersimpul sejuta kerahsiaan..

bertapa Hebatnya Perancangan yg Maha Esa..
untuk melihat hambaNya sentiasa dekat denganNYa..

sentiasalah kita memanjatkan kesyukuran..
takala hadirnya sebuah ujian..

kerana janji Allah itu pasti!
syurga firdausi sedia menanti..

kerana ujian itu..
adalah seindah syurga~

Friday, 18 May 2012

Verses in the Qur’an about justice
You who believe! be upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat an-Nisa’, 135)
Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A‘raf, 181)

You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Maida, 8)

Every nation has a Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is decided between them justly. They are not wronged. (Surah Yunus, 47) 

We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)

Say: My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)

So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)

Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Maida, 8)
Every nation has a Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is decided between them justly. They are not wronged. (Surah Yunus, 47)

We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)

Say: My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)

So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)

Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Every nation has a Messenger and when their Messenger comes everything is decided between them justly. They are not wronged. (Surah Yunus, 47) 
We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)

Say: My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)

So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)

Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
We sent Our Messengers with the Clear Signs and sent down the Book and the Balance with them so that mankind might establish justice. (Surat al-Hadid, 25)
Say: My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)

So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)

Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Say: My Lord has commanded justice…” (Surat al-A ‘raf, 29)
So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)

Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
So call and go straight as you have been ordered to. Do not follow their whims and desires but say, ‘I have iman in a Book sent down by Allah and I am ordered to be just between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. We have our actions and you have your actions. There is no debate between us and you. Allah will gather us all together. He is our final destination.’ (Surat ash-Shura, 15)
Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)

Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Among those We have created there is a community who guide by the Truth and act justly according to it. (Surat al-A ‘raf, 181)
Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)

Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Those with faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara, 62)
Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)

Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and argue with them in the kindest way. (Surat an-Nahl, 125)
Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)

Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Is it not likely that, if you did turn away, you would cause corruption in the earth and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the people Allah has cursed,    making them deaf and blinding their eyes. (Surah Muhammad, 22-23)
Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)

As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
Allah does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the deen or driven you from your homes,or from being just towards them. Allah loves those who are just. Allah merely forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought you in the religion and driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. Any who take them as friends are wrongdoers. (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8-9)
As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21)
 2009-08-31 23:50:52 
As for those who reject Allah’s Signs, and kill the Prophets without any right to do so, and kill those who command justice, give them news of a painful punishment. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 21) 2009-08-31 23:50:52 

 if you do judge, judge between them justly. Allah loves the just. (Surat al-Maida, 42)

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


 Apabila hati berdarah.. kadang-kadang ianya sukar untuk menerima kenyataan atau kebenaran..
ketahuilah disebalik kebenaran yg pahit itu terselit keindahan dan kebahagiaan..
cuma terpulang pada diri kita bagaimana untk mencapai kebahagiaan dan keindahan tersebut..

Masyarakat kita sering memandang rendah kepada orang yang ada "rekod buruk" dan terus mengasingkan mereka ini.. Namun, betulkah cara itu? atau sebenarnya kita hanya mengundang lebih lagi masalah daripada mereka ini sekiranya mereka berterusan diasingkan dan dipandang hina oleh masyarakat.. Ana tertarik dengan satu pepatah kata, "keburukan itu ibarat sehari namun kebaikan itu ibarat sejuta tahun lamanya".

Maksud pepatah itu ialah, hendak berbuat jahat hanya mengambil masa sehari namun hendak berbuat baik mengambil masa yang sangat lama oleh kerana perbatasan nafsu kita.. Berbalik kepada perkara asas iaitu keimanan, ukhwah dan akidah.. 3 perkara ini merupakan perkara yang perlu kita fahami dgn baik..

Keimanan merupakan tunjang didalam kehidupan kita.. Seandainya benar kita beriman, kita akan memahami definisi ukhwah dan akidah.. kerana 2 perkara tersebut bersangkut paut dgn keimanan.. berbalik kepada tajuk, seorg yang beriman, tidak akan putus asa dalam memberikan dakwah kepada mereka yg sudah jauh tersesat.. malahan tiada erti putus asa dalam kamus hidup seorg yang beriman itu..

Nasihat dan tazkirah merupakan elemen penting dalam memberikan kesedaran kepada mereka ini.. jangan disangkakan mereka akan berubah sekelip mata tapi ingtlah bahawa kita ini hanyalah manusia biasa yang perlukan waktu untk berubah.. Ana sarankan antum membaca novel "SINERGI" karya hilal asyraf.. inshaAllah novel ini memberikan kita kesedaran terhadap sikap masyarakat kita pada mereka yang mempunyai "rekod buruk" pd diri mereka.. wallahua'lam

Seorang ulama, Ibrahim Al-Khawas r.a juga ada memberikan nasihat berkenaan kaedah untuk ubat hati: Nasihatnya berbunyi:
" Sesungguhnya ubat hati itu ada lima perkara, maka ubatilah hati kamu dengan lima perkara tersebut. Pertamanya, bacalah al-Quran dengan menghayati isi kandunganya. Kedua, mengosongkan perut dari terlalu kenyang atau berpuasa. Ketiga, bangun (beribadat) di waktu malam. Keempat, menghampirkan diri kepada Allah (beribadat) di sepertiga malam dan yang kelimanya, sentiasa bersama-sama di dalam majlis orang-orang yang soleh."

Friday, 15 July 2011

<~ rAmAdHaN kIaN kU mErINdUi~>

Ramadan kini tiba. Hati mukmin tidak sabar lagi untuk mengambil peluang semaksima mungkin dibulan yang berkat ini demi mendapatkan bekalan iman dan meningkatkan diri. Dihujung Syaaban, Rasulullah saw berkhutbah mengingatkan para Sahabat ra tentang Ramadan. Di sini saya mengambil kesempatan mengingatkan diri saya dan kita sekelian berkenaan Ramadan dan persiapan untuk memasukkinya.

Kita memasuki bulan berkat dimana pahala dilipatkali gandakan bagi mereka yang mengharap ganjaran dan keredhaan Allah swt. Dengan ini hamba-hambaNya semakin bertaqarrub kepadaNya dan lebih berpeluang memasuki Syurga yang disediakan Allah swt.
Dari Qutaibah, dari Ismail bin Jaafar dari Abi Suhail, dari ayahnya dari Abu Hurairah ra. sabda Rasulullah saw bermaksud, "Apabila datang Ramadan, dibukakan pintu-pintu Syurga" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).

 Dengan berpuasa, kita menahan diri dari makan, minum, hubungan suami isteri, menjaga lidah, pemandangan dan hati hanya semata-mata kerana Allah. Oleh itu Allah sendiri yang akan membalasnya.
Sabda Rasulullah saw bermaksud, "Sesiapa yang mendirikan (solat dan ibadah) di malam Lailatul Qadar dengan penuh iman dan mengharap ganjaran Allah, diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. Sesiapa yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadan dengan penuh iman dan mengharap ganjaran Allah, diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).

 Didalam Ramadan, kita melipatgandakan ibadah solat kita, dan lebih membiasakan diri kita mendampingi surau, masjid dan para jemaah didalamnya yang beriman.
Sabda Rasulullah saw berkenaan Ramadan bermaksud, "Sesiapa yang mendirikan (solat Tarawih) di bulan Ramadan, dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharap ganjaran Allah, diampunkan untuknya akan kesalahan yang telah dikerjakannya" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).

 Ramadan mengajar kita erti persaudaraan dan kesatuan umat Islam.
Dari Ibnu Syahab, dari Urwah bin Az-Zubair, dari Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Al-Qari' berkata: Aku keluar bersama Umar Al-Khattab ra pada suatu malam Ramadan ke masjid dan mendapati orang ramai bersolat sendiri-sendiri dan berselerakan. Ada yang bersolat sendirian. Ada yang bersolat diikuti beberapa orang. Umar ra berkata bermaksud, "Aku lihat jika dikumpulkan mereka dibawah seorang imam, itu adalah lebih baik". Kemudian beliau melaksanakannya dan mengumpulkan orang ramai (bersolat) diimami oleh Ubay bin Kaab ra. Pada suatu malam yang berikutnya, aku pergi bersamanya ke masjid dan melihat orang ramai bersolat di belakang seorang imam mereka. Umar ra berkata, "Alangkah baiknya bid'ah ini"... (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).

 Ramadan adalah bulan Al-Quran dimana Al-Quran diturunkan Allah swt pada bulan tersebut. Jibril menyemak bacaan dan hafazan Al-Quran Nabi saw dijuga dibulan ini. Oleh itu kita jadikanlah bulan ini bulan yang lebih meriah bagi kita bersama Al-Quran, dengan membacanya dan melaksanakan ajaran-ajaran yang terkandung didalamnya. Ramadan adalah bulan bersedeqah, berkasih sayang sesama umat Islam dan makhluk Allah swt. Kita perbanyakkanlah bersedekah dan menjamu orang lain.
Ibnu Abbas ra berkata bermaksud, "Adalah Nabi saw orang yang paling pemurah dengan kebaikan. Dia saw. lebih pemurah lagi di dalam bulan Ramadan apabila didatangi oleh malaikat Jibril. adalah Jibril bertemu Nabi saw tiap malam di bulan Ramadan sehingga pagi dan mengemukakan Al-Quran kepada Nabi saw. Apabila Nabi saw bertemu Jibril, Baginda saw menjadi lebih pemurah dari angin yang bertiup" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari)

"Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkan Al-Quran pada malam Lailatul Qadr. tahukah kamu apakah malam Lailatul Qadr. Malam Lailatul Qadr lebih baik dari 1000 bulan. Malaikat dan ruh turun pada malam itu dengan izin Tuhan mereka dalam tiap urusan. Sejahtera malam tersebut hingga terbit fajar" (Al-Quran).

Mukmin dan mukminah sentiasa mengejar peluang yang disediakan Allah swt untuk hamba-hambaNya. Ini termasuklah ganjaran berlipatkali ganda Malam Lailatul Qadar dimana ia lebih baik dari

Sabda Rasulullah saw bermaksud, "Dapatkanlah (dengan tekunlah beribadat) pada malam Lailatul Qadar pada Sepuluh Malam Terakhir dibulan Ramadan" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).
Dalam riwayat Al-Bukhari yang lain bermaksud, "Dapatkanlah (dengan tekunlah beribadat) pada malam Lailatul Qadar pada malam-malam ganjil di Sepuluh Malam Terakhir dibulan Ramadan".

Ramadan adalah bulan Iktikaf, iaitu berada di masjid untuk memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya beribadah khusus kepada Allah swt. Iktikaf membersihkan hati dan akhlak kita, kerana kita berdamping dengan rumah Allah swt dan dapat tenang memuhasabah dan menilai diri kita yang sering alpa dan tergoda.
Dari Urwah bin Az-Zubair ra dari Aisyah ra berkata bermaksud, "Sesungguhnya Nabi saw beriktikaf pada Sepuluh Malam Terakhir di bulan Ramadan sehingga Baginda saw diwafatkan Allah. Selepas kewafatannya, isteri-isterinya pula beriktikaf" (Hadis sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari).

Ramadan adalah bulan Jihad dan Kemenangan. Di dalam bulan ini orang-orang beriman mencapai kemuncak ikhlas dan taqwa, kedua-duanya adalah resepi kemenangan dalam Jihad. Di dalam Ramadan orang-orang beriman memenangi Perang Badar (Tahun 2H), Perang Pembukaan Mekah (Tahun 8H) dan Perang Ain Jalut mengalahkan tentara Monggul.

Semoga Ramadan pada tahun ini merupakan Ramadan yang terbaik buat kita, berjaya kita lalui sepenuhnya dan mendapat rahmah (belas kasih Allah swt), maghfirah (keampunanNya) dan itqum minannar (selamat dari api Neraka). Ya Allah terimalah puasa, solat Tarawih, qiyamullail dan iktikaf kami dibulan yang mulia ini. Ya Allah, terimalah ibadah dan taqarrub (usaha mendekatkan hati dan diri) kami kepadaMu.

Ya Allah, jadikanlah kami diakhir Ramadan dikalangan hamba-hambaMu yang bertaqwa seperti firmanMu bermaksud,
"Wahai orang-orang beriman, diwajibkan keatas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan keatas orang-orang sebelum kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa..." (Surah Al-Baqarah).

Sumber Text: Ini Jalanku

قُلۡ شَہۡرُ رَمَضَانَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أُنزِلَ فِيهِ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانُ هُدً۬ى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَـٰتٍ۬ مِّنَ ٱلۡهُدَىٰ وَٱلۡفُرۡقَانِ‌ۚ فَمَن شَہِدَ مِنكُمُ ٱلشَّہۡرَ فَلۡيَصُمۡهُ‌ۖ وَمَن ڪَانَ مَرِيضًا أَوۡ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ۬ فَعِدَّةٌ۬ مِّنۡ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ‌ۗ يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ بِڪُمُ ٱلۡيُسۡرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِڪُمُ ٱلۡعُسۡرَ وَلِتُڪۡمِلُواْ ٱلۡعِدَّةَ وَلِتُڪَبِّرُواْ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَٮٰكُمۡ وَلَعَلَّڪُمۡ تَشۡكُرُونَ

(Masa yang diwajibkan kamu berpuasa itu ialah) bulan Ramadan yang padanya diturunkan Al-Quran, menjadi petunjuk bagi sekalian manusia dan menjadi keterangan-keterangan yang menjelaskan petunjuk dan (menjelaskan) perbezaan antara yang benar dengan yang salah. Oleh itu, sesiapa dari antara kamu yang menyaksikan anak bulan Ramadan (atau mengetahuinya), maka hendaklah dia berpuasa bulan itu dan sesiapa yang sakit atau dalam musafir maka (bolehlah dia berbuka, kemudian wajiblah dia berpuasa) sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain. (Dengan ketetapan yang demikian itu) Allah menghendaki kamu beroleh kemudahan dan Dia tidak menghendaki kamu menanggung kesukaran dan juga supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan) dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjukNya dan supaya kamu bersyukur.

(Surah Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat 185)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Bingkisan rindu buatmu.. ~ TeMaN~

Tawa ceria kedengaran ditelinga..
ku berpaling ingin melihatnya..
namun ku hampa..
ternyata tawa itu bayangan duka..

memori lalu menjerat jiwa..
kedinginan angin tidak terasa..
kerana teringatkan kenangan lama..
takala dirimu masih ada..

andai dulu aku sering dibuli..
kau ada setia disisi..
melindungi diriku daripada dilukai..
walaupun dirimu disakiti..

ku teringat disaat terpaterinya ukhwah kita..
kaulah yang pertama menghulurkan salam cinta..
lantas mengenalkan aku kepada Pencipta..
sungguh indahnya ku rasa..

kau ajarku erti ketabahan..
agar ku teguh melawan badai kehidupan..
kau jua ajarku erit kesabaran..
dalam menghadapi ujian..

sahabatku sayang,
kini hanyalah bayangan..
yang menemani setiap kedukaan..
seiringan dengan kebahagiaan..

kau pergi menghadap Ilahi..
bertapa pilunya hati..
kerana kehilangan seorang teman sejati..
tapi ku ingin menjadi saksi..

ya Allah, ketahuilah sahabatku ini..
sudah menjalankan segala amanahnya pd diri..
walaupun dia sudah pergi..
kau tetap wujud dihati..

ikatan ukhwah ini kan terjalin selamanya..
walaupun rindu membara dijiwa..
sahabat, kau sentiasa didalam doa..
walaupun kau sudah tiada..

Sunday, 8 May 2011

<~.::Ya Ummi::.~>

                                       Dari sebuku darah dirimu menjadi manusia,
                                       dari seribu peserta dikaulah yang pertama,
                                       takala ditiupkan roh ke dalam jasad olehNya,
                                       bermulalah cabaran disaat menanti tiba..

                                                 lahirnya dikau ke dunia,
                                       disambut dgn halusnya alunan azan bergema,
                                       dalam dakapan ibu kau dipeluk dan dibelai manja,
                                       terasa dikau akan nikmat syurga sementara..

                                                 penat lelah tidak terkira,
                                       tanpa rasa jemu melayan seribu noda,
                                       ibu kau cekal dalam melayani bahtera,
                                       kerana tanpa kami kau sunyi dalam duka..!

                                       tangisan mula kedengaran nyaring ditelinga,
                                         tidak pernah meniti dibibirmu terkata,
                                               kami ini menyusahkan sahaja,
                                         tetapi bagimu kamilah pembela agama..!

                                     SubhannAllah, hebatnya kurniaanNya,
                                     tidak terkira akan ceteknya fikiran manusia..

                                                         wahai ibu,
                                     dirimu penuh dgn seribu satu rasa kasih,
                                     tidak pernah kau rasakan lelahnya hidup ini,
                                       tetapi hanya kebahagiaan yang meniti,
                                         disetiap saat berlalu bersama kami,
                                            ibarat disyurgawi bidadari..

                                                   syukran ya ummi..
                                      kerana tanpa dirimu tiadalah kami..
                                   Jasamu menjadi kuatnya pegangan diri..
                         untuk terus berbakti walau dirimu sudah tiada lagi

ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa2 kami, dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, Kau letakkanlah mereka ditempat golongan yang sedikit, dimana tingginya darjat disisiMu.. ya Allah ya Rabbi, Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Adil.. maka berikanlah keadilan buat kedua-dua mereka..amin ya Rabbal Alamin

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Mampukah wahai diri?

Mampukah aku menjadi seperti Siti Khadijah?
Agung cintanya kepada Allah dan Rasulullah, penawar hati kekasih Allah, susah dan senang bersama.

Dapatkah ku didik jiwa seperti Siti Aisyah?
Isteri Rasulullah yang bijak, pendorong kesusahan dan penderitaan,tiada sukar untuk dilaksanakan.

Dapatkah aku menjadi seperti Siti Fatimah, puteri Rasulullah?,
akur dlm setiap perintah ayahandanya dan sentiasa berjuang, wanita penghulu syurga.

Tabahkah jiwaku setabah umi Nabi Ismail,yang bernama Siti Hajar?,
mengendong bayinya mencari air penghilang dahaga diterik padang pasir, pengharapannnya hanya pada Allah. Memohon agar Allah menemukan aku sekeluarga di syurga yang kekal abadi.

Semoga Allah memakbulkan doaku untuk menjadi muslimah,anak dan isteri solehah yang menjadi idaman setiap muslimah sejati.Semoga setiap detik dan saat, sentiasa mencintai dan mengingati Allah dan Rasul.


My photo
Jadikanlah zikir ini sebagai nyanyian mulut kita setiap hari, terutamanya dikala waktu kesusahan menimpa diri. Kerana apabila manusia terus-menerus mengingati Allah (s.w.t.) sewaktu dalam kesusahan, maka mereka tidak akan sekali-kali berputus asa kerana yakin atas apa yang Allah takdirkan.